Do you know who you are?
This Journey is an opportunity to dig deep and take an honest look at who you are, explore the roots of your identity, clear your limiting beliefs and inner road blocks…
…So that you can create your path and live your life from a heart centered and authentic place.
If you don’t get to know yourself …
There has never been a more urgent time in history than the 21st century to get to know yourself at a deeper level. Why? Because if you do not take the time to get to know yourself at a very deep level, algorithms, Facebook, Instagram, Social Media, Big Data, Cooperation’s and the Government will do it for you.
Currently today 89% of the world’s internet users are being actively monitored. This information is being used to manipulate you, shape your decisions, your behaviours, your actions and your inner authority. This prevents you from actively and authentically finding your true path in life, valuing the autonomy of your own mind, and prioritising what is really important in your life.
When you do not take the time to listen and get to know yourself, your true purpose, your longing and contribution for the world, your source of fulfilment and your guiding principle, it leads to a wasted life and takes you away from the potential of your path.
Can you relate to any of the below? Is this you?
- Feeling disconnected, misunderstood, sad or alone in dealing with wanting to make a change or contribution in life
- Feeling stuck or blocked in any area of life (relationships, health, career) and not knowing how to move forward. Something stopping you from moving forward in your life.
- Reverting back to old limiting patterns in life and having inconsistent or limiting daily habits
- Having a harsh inner critic, negative or unkind voice in your head which prevents you from finding your creativity, beauty and joy
- Having a desire to make the world a better place, or create an impact but unclear about the most meaningful ways to serve
- Feeling a lack or loss of motivation or desire. Feeling lost, tired and not purposeful in life.
- Procrastinating taking steps towards a more fulfilled joyful life, overthinking your steps, or feeling like an imposter.
- Having a desire to make the world a better place, or create an impact but unclear about the most meaningful ways to serve
- Feeling frustrated, limiting the potential impact or contribution you would like to make in the world. Holding back the expression of your gifts
If one or more of these statements apply to you, we recommend that you consider taking our journey
Have you tried this before?

- Very often we try to solve these problems on our own – you may have tried to think your way through solving the above
- We live in a world of masks, and often we don’t know or communicate what is really going on for us – often our deeper longings are hidden, not seen or not communicated
- Talking to family and friends can be supportive but having a supportive system outside of your current network can be invaluable
- In this digital world, we are inundated with information from the internet. We are bombarded with information and often we try to search the internet for solutions to our pain, not knowing that our traumas are based from our childhoods and the internet is just hooking us to buy more
- When we experience the above pain points it is common to cover it up by distractions such as shopping, games, social media or simply denying it
“There are a thousand hacking at the branches, to one who is striking at the roots.” Henry Thoreau
The intention of this course is to take a journey together to get to know and understand yourself at a deeper level and do a root canal of your identity.
We begin the journey by doing a deep discovery process where you will have a clearer understanding of your conditioned and limiting beliefs. You will gain a deeper understanding of where these beliefs come from in your childhood and the patterns that are created because of them.
If you do not clear our limiting belief systems that operate in our unconscious minds you will continue to experience a feeling that something is holding you back. This could show up as procrastination, low confidence levels, feelings of stress distraction or disconnection, being overwhelmed, consistent negative thoughts or worries, fears of rejection, burn out and reverting to old limiting patterns.
This can have a direct impact on key areas of your life including our relationships, health, career, friendships and mental health. Operating with limiting beliefs that you are unaware of can be a painful way to live.
Our inner problems cannot be solved by external achievements or success, and our inner worlds need attention just as much as our outer worlds do.
The path for each of us is different. But when we are ready to heal, the right path will open….
Join me this August on The Roadmap Back To You
This 7 week journey is a deep and alchemical process to bring awareness to yourself, be seen and met within a heart space, and an opportunity to free yourself from the constraints of your identity. It is a journey of letting go, resting, enquiring and exploring.
The process has been carefully and lovingly designed to facilitate and provide a safe space for you to explore, enquire and reflect the different parts of you, so that you can reduce your stress levels, eliminate feelings of being overwhelmed and find a deeper sense of authentic joy.
If you want to live a fulfilled life…. You have to take the time to get to know yourself…
If you want to live to your potential… You have to get to know who you truly are…
If you want to create deep, meaningful, loving relationships…. It starts with understanding yourself at a deeper level…
In 7 weeks you will discover your northern star, let go of old limiting beliefs, and tap into your potential in the world. You will also make deep and meaningful friendships. You could keep going as you are, unclear, stressed, lost, or frustrated OR you can take some time out for yourself, uncover invaluable skills set that can transform your life.
Do you want to create an impact and make a difference in the world?
This journey is about expressing ourselves to make a difference.
To create a shift and new direction for humanity, and the world – what is needed is mass number of people to individually claim back their inner authority and leadership, and collectively connecting in heart centered ways of co-operating.
We need to bring forth and have you express the Deep Thinker, the Activist, the Heart Centred Leader, the Story Tellers, the Peace Makers, the Healer, or Service Orientated individual that you are.
Build community, bridge relationships, heal identities and cultural differences, explore our biases and heal the traumas that stem from our conditioning.
When we can transform individuals, and come together in the spirit of bridging our differences globally and uniting with a common unified goal.

How do we do this ?
We need the leader in you, the activist in you, the artist, the game changer, the change maker or the person who is really expressing an impact in the world.
The inner journey for us as individuals has never been more urgent than now.
- We connect deeper to your longing, your northern star which creates loving, kind, joyful human beings
- We create impact and a difference in the world by transforming individuals
- We find depth by slowing down and taking the time to enquire, reflect and connect
- We compassionately listen and release limiting beliefs that constrain our self expression
- We are social beings, that need community, sharing, love and connection
By transforming individuals and having more human beings operating from love, joy, compassion and by knowing ourselves better – we stand a greater chance at contentment and fulfilment and healing. This will in turn lead to less consumption and less competition.
This is where you find The Road Map Back To You on your path….
The Kannagara Roadmap Back To You is a 7 week process to identify and get to the root of your limiting beliefs, clear your inner roadblocks and get to understand yourself deeper.
The Kannagara Way…
- The facilitation is generally a non intervention style – which means that it is a loving and safe container for you to explore and process. There will be guided exercises, but it will not have an intervention style of coaching
- It is an experiential course, you will be gently guided through the discovery process, and reflection exercises which will uncover your limiting beliefs and inner critic. You will also have the experience of creating your northern star
- It is not coaching or content driven – although there is some content – it is more of an explorative course. The exercises will include journaling, art work, sharing, music & dance, releasing gibberish meditations and more…
The Community…
- We attract an international audience – in our past programmes we have had people from Uganda, Kenya, Greece, Germany, France, USA, UK, India, Mexico, Spain, South Africa and more… the feeling of the course is global.
- We attract Yogis, Expats, Educators, Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Retired, Philanthropists. Both men and women are welcome.
- Different nationalities bring diversity and colour. We encourage all cultures and heritages to come to this space. The intention is to bring together a variety of global view points.
- This space is really a heart centered space that is provided to come and be and bring your identities, your nationalities and dialogue.
Practical Details…
- This is a 7 week process
- Each week there will be a 30 minute video to watch, a 1 hour group live call, and a buddy call – we recommend allocating 2 – 2.5 hours a week
- The live calls will be on Saturday at 4pm Athens Time
- Everyone will be posted to their house a Kannagara Journal which will be your workbook for the duration of the course
- This course is led only once a year dates open – August 2021, August 2022
- You are someone that is longing for a community and heart centered space for connection, authentic conversations and creating friendships
- You want to make a difference in the world, create an impact, if you are service orientated this space will support you to fulfill you mission and impact in the world.
- You have recently gone through a life changing experience – either a change in job or a loss. The time, assignments, mediations will be a perfect time for you to dig deeper and know yourself, you needs, wants and direction so that you will carve a path in your life that is authentic and true to you
- In the process of discovering – or rediscovering who you are
- Entering a new season of life – experiencing a change in a career or relationship, moving, retiring, feeling blocked or wondering what is next
- You have spent a lot of time on your external success and you are seeking inner fulfillment in life. Previously externally or results focused with conditioning around work and success
- This journey is ideal for those of who have some experience with personal growth either via books, videos, lectures or workshops. The Roadmap back to you will support you in integrating other practices and aligning mind/heart/body/soul
You are looking to…
- Understand yourself deeper & lead a life of purpose and peace
- Map out your authentic life and live your calling
- Create or make a difference in the world
- Find identity outside of work to live a life of balance
- Leave a legacy or an impact in the world which would create a contribution

My name is Bhavisha Gheewala and I am a British born East African Indian.
I was born, brought up and educated in United Kingdom, my grandparents, ancestors and lineage is from a small village in India (Gujerat), and my parents were born in East Africa.
I have spent the last 16 years of my life participating in trainings and a lot of my life living in and exploring different countries and cultures.
I have lived 3 months or longer in: Uganda, UK, Bali, Costa Rica, Australia, Denmark, Greece and Germany. I also lived in Uganda for around 8 years.
My trainings since 2004 include:
Hoffman Process with Hoffman Institute, Landmark Education Curriculum, 6 month Leadership Training with Landmark, Primal & Tantra Twice Born Childhood and Sexual deconditioning, 10 day Healing the Adolescent Training, Essence Training (Super Ego, White & Red), meditative therapies such as: mystic rose, no mind, born again, SELP & SELP coaching, Vipassana, Women’s Liberation, Path of Love, 2 Yoga Teacher Trainings and currently started training this year as a Somatic Experiencing practioner and more…
My favorite book: Dao De Ching
Have I found myself and do I know myself?
Yes and No. I am very much an ordinary person, with a lot of problems, issues and the same things as you going on. I have however been blessed and had the privilege of doing a load of deep dive trainings and lived in different countries and cultures.
I am basically on this journey taking the same steps you are, and I am looking forward to learning as much as I can about you. This is a collaborative approach and my role is really a facilitator on the course. I will be holding space, creating an environment for kindness, heart centered conversations, sometimes difficult ones.
I need to give away the tools that have impacted me on my journey, and I also need to do what I can to make the small difference in the world. Its my Dharma.
Chantal Mutamuriza
Rukmini Bonthala
Flouri Bouillot

Before any journey it helps to have context of the overall journey you will take. Which means have you got the right tools, the map, the overall direction of where you are now and where you are headed? A journey from A to B requires some thought… some planning and a sense of direction.

All great journeys, stories and quests start with where you are. In the discovery assessment form it is a detailed look at where you are with your mind / heart / body and soul with loving eyes. We will also have a process to look at your life in all the different areas and get a bird’s eye view of where you are.


Resent any kind of intrusion upon your independent mind by others – In this course you will get to understand your conditioning at a deeper level, rid yourself of negative love patterns and claim your inner authority. Listen to yourself at a deeper level



$650 for the whole 7 weeks
Payment plans available $230 split into three
ONLY 25 PLACES and we ONLY do this once a year
Courses fill early. Please check our website for availability.
What is included
Tuition – 7 Live Calls on Zoom with Bhavi
Course -Access to the 7 Course Modules
Journal – A posted Kannagara kick start Journal (add photos and videos)
Steps for registration
When you click the link to REGISTER above, you will complete your payment and answer a few questions. You will then be directed to scheduling a 20 minute conversation with me to welcome you to the programme.
If either of us feels it is not a good fit at this time, you will be offered a full refund, no questions asked.
Please confirm that you are able to attend the dates and times listed above before signing up.
We have a few spaces available at a sliding-scale. If you are unable to contribute the full cost of the course please inquire at: