The Path of the sage

The path of the sage Membership

“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power” Lao Tzu

Join our monthly membership with a like minded community of truth seekers where we will provide simple self – reflection exercises, tools and meditations so that you can live a life of inner peace and purpose.

Join our supportive community of like minded people

The world today is disconnected and in these times many of us experience feeling isolated in our experience. The world as we know it has changed, and we are individually learning to navigate this sudden change.

Scientific studies and research has proven that creating healthy, nourishing connections and having a space to share and collaborate impacts our physical and mental health and well-being. When we are able to share our struggles, connect and grow in a community it has a positive effect on ourselves and our families. You will have access to an ongoing supportive and loving community with like minded people, held in a supportive space.

Gain Self-Reflection tools, Meditations and Journals

There is so much noise in the world! We are overloaded with information and content. Often we don’t know which way to turn on our journey, and there is an overwhelm of what we can do in our personal growth.

We have simplified the search. The first call of the month is a masterclass with very simple tools to support your daily life. With concrete exercises and practical tools, life will move in flow for you. The masterclass will improve your relationships with yourself and others, bring peace of mind in your life, and clarity in your decisions. You will experience personal growth as simple, digestible and easy.

Express your potential in the world by creating a project

Struggling to find your unique expression in the world?

Wanting to make a difference to yourself and others? Want to express your contribution? Do you have a vision or longing to create something specific? Are you procrastinating around an area of your life that you want to make progress on?

During this time you will create a project. This project can be around your health, a community project, a business project, a project to bring your family together, a skill you want to master. Anything that has a positive impact on yourself or others. For example it could be to raise money for a charity organisation, mastering a specific skill like yoga or chi gong, grow your coaching business, work on an environmental project, create a family get-to-gether, or it could be a project around your well-being and self-care. We will look at manifesting this with effortless ease. Living in accordance to your purpose and expressing your authenticity brings deep fulfilment.

Join the Path of the Sage community

A Sage is someone who is sincere in their search for the truth within. Rather than remaining distracted by external events a Sage turns inwards, starts with self-knowledge and self-reflection and with meditation, and awareness creates a harmony between the inner and outer world. A Sage knows that to truly change the world, we need to change where the world comes from, and to self – reflect on our individual perceptions. A Sage swims with the universal stream, rather than fight against it. Rather than forcing ourselves upon the universe, the Sage becomes a humble student of it.

Who is this membership for?

This is for you if you are a seeker, change maker, leader or entrepreneur, deep thinker, peace lover, meditator or if you have a commitment to your joy, peace of mind and creating a life that you love aligned to your authentic truth.


The membership is designed so that you can participate from anywhere you are in the world, from the comfort of your own home. The calls will be on zoom – so you only need a zoom account, and a internet connection. If you are unable to attend a call we will ensure the recording is available.


There will be two calls a month (every two weeks).

These calls will be on Sundays 2pm – 4pm UK GMT time. Each call will be recorded and you have the recordings for life.


Each Month:

Call One: Topic of the Month Masterclass

This will be lead by a Kannagara facilitator or an expert guest speaker. The call will be between 1.5 – 2 hours long. It will be a mixture of content, meditation, and exercises. There will be a voting system to work on which topic we will have.

Call Two: Q&A and Project Call

This is a support call used for sharing, Q&A’s and working on our project. Everyone will have a small break out room mastermind group and will be your support group for the whole duration. Give and receive support.



Everyone will be given:

  • A six month writing journal
  • Monthly workbook
  • Project planner


Be part of a community of like-minded friends.


Research shows that you are more likely to follow up on your projects from 10% to 95% if you have created a timeline and someone is holding you to account.

You must have completed the discovery process, discovery session, kick start or a retreat with us. Book your process here



Words hold immense power and emotions for us. They can heal the heart, create a idea into motion, and also have the power to be destructive. It is useful to monitor the words we speak and the promises we make to ourselves and others because they are the building blocks and foundation to having breakthroughs. The practise of honouring our word and following through on what we say expands the trust we have to ourselves.

From Sound to Silence

Meditation is a simple resource and practise that anyone can start which has tremendous benefits. We will provide some basic techniques of meditation, and look at how silence can be a source of nourishment and clarity for the mind, heart, body and soul. Join the members this month for a time of meditation and silence.


Healthy boundaries support healthy relationships. Learning how to set, hold and respect healthy boundaries can be life-changing. A boundary by definition is anything that marks a limit. Boundaries can be emotional, psychological, energetic or physical. The purpose is to keep us safe and to assure our relationships are healthy. They are limits to help us separate our personal identity, thoughts and feelings from those of others.

Planning your Work, Working your Plan

“Planning without actions is a dream. Actions without planning is a disaster” – Japanese proverb. Whether you are planning for your business, financial security, health, physical well-being or any other area of your life, lets create a plan. We will look at what to include in your plan and how to go about creating one. Working your plan is the execution of it.

Enneagram Part One

Enneagram is a 9 point personality profiling which is so powerful in looking at how our identities are formed. This is a fun workshop exploring what your enneagram number is and the 9 numbers that are there. Spend this month exploring what your enneagram number is and we will also provide a detailed write up of it. This can truly be life changing.

Enneagram Part Two

Once you have discovered your enneagram number it is good to find out the impact of it, and a deeper look as to what happens under stress and how to integrate yourself. The two part workshops of the enneagram is a fun, light way to explore your type and also start to enquiry what people around you might be.

Northern Star Creativity

Drawing, painting, art we will explore how to creatively express our northern star into a joyful expression of your self on paper. This is a masterclass which will look at ways we can bring creativity to our lives.

Health - Self - Care

When we take care of ourselves, we maintain a healthy relationship with how we relate to our needs. It conveys that we value your life and can contribute to long – term feelings of well being. We will look at ways to enjoy and make steps to our self care.

Being Centered

This topic is about being in your centre. Today’s world has many uncertainties and in any moment things can change. During this time of uncertainty centering in your own being and finding grounding can be a tool to support you during shaky or uncertain moments. We will provide practical exercises that you can do to center yourself and a self reflection workbook to enquire further in what supports your grounding.

Inner Guide

Creating an intimate relationship with your inner guide requires listening to your own inner voice, your intuition, which may contradict with your rational self. The inner guide may be subtle message, or a feeling, or a gut feeling. It has been there all along. Practise asking for guidance on our journey.

Your Purpose

“Follow your bliss. Find where it is, and don’t be afraid to follow it”. Your life becomes on purpose when your tune into your soul purpose, mission and vision for your life. ‘Iki Gai’ is the Japanese secret to create a long and happy life. It is called ‘your reason for being’. In connecting with our true purpose and sharing that with others we can create a life that is authentic. We will go through a simple exercise and share our discovery with the group.

Emotions - Anger / Shame / Guilt / Jealousy / Boredom

We live in a culture which values positivity and happiness – chasing and often we can not recognise the essential value that the full emotional spectrum of the human experience with all emotions have. Each emotion is there to teach us something. Embracing and learning from what they teach us can support us integrate our experience.

Taking a Stand

In this month we get clear on our beliefs and what we value and take a stand for something in our life. Often we have fears to stand out because of being liked, being accepted. This month we look at what it means to take a stand for yourself, for others and for people that you care about. The exercises in the workbook will help you to reflect on your personal belief systems and ground in what you stand for.

Our membership is currently closed! To be the first to find out when it opens sign up to our newsletter