Calling All – Change Makers, World Workers, Climate Change Activists, Humanitarian Aid Workers, Social Workers, Community Leaders, Yoga Teachers, Facilitators
ANYONE that wants to make a genuine impact or difference in the world……
Who Are You?
And what is the impact of not knowing who you are in your life?
Something happens to all of us between childhood and adulthood. A disconnection to your authentic truth, a discord from your emotions, or simply loosing touch with your true self.
The Roadmap Back to You is an opportunity to dig deep, take a honest reflective look at who you are, explore the roots of your identity, and clear your limiting beliefs and inner roadblocks…
…So that you can live your life from a heart-centered and authentic place.
The most important journey you will take in your life is the inner quest to find your unique truth, the courage to express who you are and to break free from the bondage of conditioning.
If you live life on auto-pilot with limiting beliefs, fears and societal demands that drive your behaviour it will lead to an unfulfilling, chronically unhappy or passionless life.
The research from Harvard Business Review says: being and knowing yourself is the best way to form meaningful relationships, career fulfilment and growth, no matter what field you work in.
Does This Sound Like You?
- You want to make the world a better place, and create a substantial impact, but you’re unclear about the most effective ways to serve…
- You lack a supportive system outside of your familial network which provides a different, but essential, sense of peace…
- You are experiencing burn out and in need to take care of your mind, heart, body and soul… You are someone that is service orientated and mission driven
- You’re stuck or blocked in any area of life (relationships, health, career) and don’t know how to move forward successfully…
- You revert to old limiting patterns or inconsistent daily habits…
- You have a harsh inner critic on a daily basis that is negative or unkind towards you
- You procrastinate — out of fear — to take steps towards a purposeful life. You overthink to the point of complete inaction… Or you feel like you are an imposter...
- You lack motivation or desire, either feeling lost, tired and not purposeful in life…
- You try to search the internet for solutions to your pain not knowing that your traumas are rooted from childhood experiences…
Start date: November 28th, 2021
“ There are a thousand hacking at the branches, to one who is striking at the roots. ”
Henry Thoreau
Join me this October on The Roadmap Back To You
Roadmap Back to You is our 7 week lovingly designed transformational journey for you to strengthen and support your Mind, Heart, Body and Soul.
The journey is an exploration, self reflection and self – enquiry to look at and make friends with ALL the different parts of you.
Our journey begins with a three week deep discovery process to gain a clear understanding of your limiting beliefs, where they stem from in childhood and the resulting regressive patterns created because of them.
We then move to four weeks of live support calls to bring integration and align Mind, Heart, Body & Soul.
It is an experience of letting go, resting, enquiring and exploring.
Slowing down, self reflecting and being in a safe loving container will support you to reduce your stress levels, process feelings of being overwhelmed and find a deeper sense of REAL joy.
The Path for each of us is different, but when we are ready to heal, the right Path will Open….
Join me this October on The Roadmap Back To You
In 7 weeks you’ll discover your northern star, dissolve limiting beliefs, and tap into your full potential in the world.
You’ll also make deep and meaningful friendships.
You could continue as you are: unclear, stressed, lost, or frustrated…
OR you can take some time out for yourself and discover invaluable skills that can transform your life.
If you do not bring awareness to your limiting beliefs that operate in your unconscious it will result in a continuation of patterns of procrastination, low confidence levels, feelings of stress, distraction or being overwhelmed.
By lovingly exploring these patterns we begin the process of self-love and freedom.
Birgit Sankey
Jay Patel
Melissa Gledhill

Chantal Mutamuriza
” I am about to finish a one month Kannagara Kick Start programme led by lovely Bhavisha Gheewala. It is a programme that focuses on developing four key areas of ourselves: mind, body, heart and soul.
I feel privileged to be part of the first Kannagara tribe in Kampala, it is a life changing experience with an amazing bunch of people, I learned how to break my limiting beliefs that my mind constructed over the years and made a commitment to serve humanity rather than polluting the world with negativity.
If we all learned how to clear negativity in our lives, if we had tools to help us to be the best versions of ourselves, the world would be a paradise. “

Rukmini Bonthala
” Hi Friends. I just wanted to share this amazing program that i’m doing right now. It’s a self development program that focuses on mental, physical, emotional and spiritual strengthening.
Just within the past 2 weeks, its been life changing for me in getting clear on my vision and purpose in life, letting go of my limiting beliefs that were holding me back from taking action. I have been more purposefully productive in the last 2 weeks than i can ever think of before. I’ve been able to accomplish so many big and small goals that i would usually set up for myself but either get distracted or put it off till later but not anymore. I take action and finish what i set out to do.
Other than the goals, its been really enabling me to stay positive each and every day regardless of my external circumstances and this has had a positive impact on my relationships as well. This program is 4 weeks long and i have 2 more weeks to go but so far, WOW the transformations are amazing for most of us taking part in the program.
I wanted to share this today since the next program is taking place again in May and if you are in Uganda, and have a goal in life, and need the motivation/energy to take action so you can actually live your life the way you want it and not just dream it, don’t loose this opportunity. “

Flouri Bouillot
” Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me this chance to transform myself and live out my vision and dream that I have been longing for!
After this powerful and magical journey I can declare that “I am confident, I respect who I am, I shine, I transform myself and I empower others: I am a healer”.
My journey has just started with Kannagara and I feel so confident and excited about my new path. Please keep empowering the souls who crave for transformation! “

Suwilanji Ngambi
” Kannagara for me was an eye-opener.
I signed up for the retreat because I have been doing some soul searching of my own, I got a new job and was absolutely terrified of my new role for fear of failure. I wasn’t really sure what I would gain out of it but I made a commitment to do everything that was in the program.
What has changed for me is I am more confident in myself and not just showing people on the outside as I used to. I am learning to be not so hard on myself and remind myself that its ok to be different. The Kannagara experience was not only about working on me but the people that were there with me were amazing, we got to connect in such a short period of time being honest with each other and discovering that I am not alone. It felt like we were family straight after day 1.
I have learnt to see the world differently and discovered that it is bigger than what goes on in my head. There’s a certain level of calmness I feel. I have a very short temper but now its much easier for me to try and rationalize situations before reacting and I love and appreciate myself a lot better. I can clearly see what impact good energy has around people I care about.
I would highly recommend Kannagara. It has helped me take steps to self-discovery, what integrity can do for you, the benefits of doing something in totality, and how amazing it feels when you are at peace with yourself. I handle my stressful situations a lot better than before I went to the retreat and I am grateful for the experience! “

Agnes Ammeux
” I had individual coaching sessions with Bhavi for 3 months, a few months after doing the Kannagara kick start programme. While Kannagara kick start programme helped me to understand myself better and to create links with like-minded people, individual coaching sessions helped me to go deeper and allowed me to step back and look at my emotions from a different perspective.
Before starting the individual coaching sessions, I was thinking I did not need help and it was my turn to continue on my personal path… It is true but it is much easier with a coach.
No matter how much you meditate, how much you’re journalling, how much you’re working on your own personal development, the individual coaching sessions definitely helped me to clear the emotions of the previous 2 weeks and to start the coming week lighter. Highly recommended to boost your personal development. “
To create a shift in the world what is needed is individual transformation.
We need individuals to reclaim their inner authority and leadership, to collectively explore authentic ways to cooperate, and groups of people to come together from heart centered states of compassion.
We need you to bring forth and fearlessly express the Deep Thinker, the Activist, the Loyal Heart, the Storyteller, the Listener, the Peacemaker, the Healer, or the Service-Oriented individual you are.
We strongly believe in building community, bridging relationships and healing traumas that stem from our cultural differences and biases.
When we commit to individual transformation, it’s easier to unify in the spirit of bridging our global differences.
This journey is about expressing ourselves to make a tangible difference.

How Do We Accomplish This?
We need the leader in you, the activist, the artist, the game changer, the change maker or the person who’s driven to impact the world.
Using creativity, art, music, dance, journaling and enquiry we move towards your essence.
- We enhance depth by slowing down and taking the time to enquire, reflect and connect
- We compassionately listen and release limiting beliefs that constrain our self expression
- We connect deeper to your longing, your northern star which creates loving, kind, joyful human beings
- We create impact and a difference in the world by transforming people on an individual level
By transforming individuals and having more human beings operating from love, joy, compassion, and keen self-awareness, we stand a greater chance at contentment, fulfilment, and healing.
This, in turn, leads to less consumption and less competition….and a better planet.
Dates: 28th November, 5th December, 12th December 2021
9th January, 16th January, 23rd January, 30th January 2022
Our inner problems cannot be solved by external achievements. Our inner worlds need just as much attention as our outer worlds do.
This is where you find The Road Map Back To You on your path….
The Kannagara Way…
- Facilitation is generally non-intervention style. We provide a loving and safe container for you to explore and process your transformation.
The guided exercises are also a non- intervention style
- It is an experiential course, you will be gently guided through the discovery process, and reflection exercises which will uncover your limiting beliefs and inner critic.
You will also have the experience of creating your northern star
- It is not coaching or content driven – although there is some content – it is more of an explorative The exercises include journaling, artwork, sharing, music & dance, releasing gibberish meditations and more…
The Community…
- We attract an international audience, from a variety of countries around the world. In the past we have had people from Uganda, Kenya, Greece, Germany, France, USA, UK, India, Mexico, Spain and more.
- We attract Yogis, Expats, Educators, Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Retirees, Philanthropists.
- Different nationalities bring diversity and colour. We encourage all cultures and heritages to come into this space. Our intention is to bring together a variety of global perspectives.
- You long for a community and heart-centered space for connection, authentic conversations and creating friendships
- You’re service-oriented and truly want to make a difference in the world
- You’ve recently gone through a life-rattling experience – say the loss of a career or loved one, and you need support returning to the optimistic and productive person you once were
- You’re entering a new season in life and are eager to know “what’s next”
- You’ve invested heavily in your external success and you’re seeking greater inner fulfilment
- You already have some experience with personal growth products like books, videos, lectures or workshops
Practical Details…
- The Roadmap Back To You is a 7-week LIVE process
- Each week, you’ll enjoy a 30-minute video-based training, a 1.5-hour live group call, time to journal, and a buddy call
We recommend allocating 2 – 2.5 hours a week to dedicate to your transformation
- Live group calls are conducted on Sundays at 4.30pm Athens/Greece Time. We will set up a private whats app group for everyone.
- All students get access to their own KANNAGARA Journal, which is the official course workbook
- This course is led only once a year
- Course seats are limited to 25 people to keep the intimacy and connection strong and consistent


Hi, I’m Bhavisha Gheewala and I’m honoured to be your personal guide throughout the Roadmap Back To You journey.
I’ve dedicated the past 16 years of my life to transformational training and development.
In my own way I have walked in the shoes of how challenging this thing called life can be. Having grown up in a Indian cultural background, and having a lot of struggle in my childhood and teenage years – I have had to spend many years and plenty of trainings to look at my own limiting beliefs and societal demands.
Being relentless in my own pursuit of freedom and self – expression I have lived and grown from a variety of experiences. My own journey has required me to go through my own personal transformation to find my truth. It feels natural for me to share the tools from my years of training.
This process was originally created as live workshops in Uganda and after leading it to 70 people this will be the fifth time I am launching it.
I was inspired by my own life journey to create this program. And what I ultimately hope to achieve with The Roadmap Back To You is a life-altering experience.
My experience and certifications include, but aren’t limited to…
- Hoffman Process with Hoffman Institute
- Landmark Education Curriculum – Introduction Leadership Programme &SELP coaching
- Primal & Tantra Twice Born Childhood and Sexual deconditioning
- Healing Adolescent Training 10 days
- Meditative therapies such as mystic rose, no mind, born again
- 2 Yoga Teacher Trainings 500 Hours
- Women’s Liberation, Path of Love & Essence Training (White, Red & Inner Judge)
Birgit Sankey
Jay Patel
Melissa Gledhill

Randeep Singh – India
” I was blessed to connect with Bhavi with a beautiful heart.
I did the course with her and we had group members from UK, Uganda, Australia and different parts of the world. It was great to connect with everyone. Most importantly the environment that was created to interact with each other and share our thoughts was safe and secure.
The learning s which I took from the session of limiting beliefs was not to be too hard on myself which helped me during the lockdown days and pandemic.
Another session on inner child was my favourite part. We got to take a road back to childhood and recall what our dreams were and to believe in them once again. It helped me to start moving towards and it was a beautiful experience. “

Ife Piankhi
” Kannagara is a powerful process. I thought I was done but really it was just the beginning for me.
Doing the self assessment questionnaire that identified my limiting beliefs, being coached and being a coach was intense, but I was happy for the challenge.
Its so easy to think we are OK but Kannagara made me look at all my layers. Bhavi thank you – your groove is deep! It seems effortless but it’s deep work. Thank you. “

Alick Mitchell
” Thank you Bhavi. This all came along to me poignantly at the right time, it runs alongside the corona like surfing a wave into the present.
I appreciate your feedback and loving energy. I can feel the soft beauty of your heart in your presence. I stayed up at night for the sessions as I am in Australia. I loved the diversity of the cultures involved and it has been a great compliment to my life. I love what you and Indra put together!
I hold a special place for you even if it has been over zoom calls. Have a wonderful day. “

Alagappan Satthappan
” Hi friends,
This is Alagappan and I would like to share my experience with Kannagara and specifically the Gibberish meditation.
I have been practising the meditation and it has been fun and deep at the same time. It felt good as I usually only do the traditional meditations, and I have not been motivated to meditate.
This was a fun practise and I am grateful to the facilitators to introduce this to me! I have witnessed my silence get deeper from the method you brought to me. “

This course begins with a grounding module to have a clear understanding of the map of the journey. We will look at where you currently are starting from.
Setting the foundation requires having your journal, understanding the framework of the course and meeting the group.
Any journey from A to B requires intentional consideration and an informed sense of direction. Each module includes value based videos to go through and a live call to connect and meet the group.

The deep dive discovery process is where you will have a clearer understanding of your conditioning and limiting beliefs.
The self assessment form we have provided with carefully prepared questions will support you in uncovering the belief systems that have been created from your childhood and the patterns that are created because of them.
Our limiting beliefs can have a direct impact on key areas of your life including our relationships, health, career, friendships and mental health. Operating with limiting beliefs that you are unaware of can be a painful way to live.
Gently, and with a deep sense of compassion we travel back to the roots of where our limiting beliefs have been created and the decisions we made.

Resist any kind of intrusion on your independent mind by others.
In this module, you’ll learn to understand your conditioning on a more actionable level, rid yourself of negative love patterns and reclaim your inner authority.
We will explore the roles you had to play in your life growing up, and understand where your belief systems originated form. There will be concrete tools in how to deal with your inner critic and ways to shift perspectives. With simple digestible videos and your journal take steps to listen to yourself at a deeper level.
Our favourite part of this module is the creation of our northern stars.

It’s scientifically proven that one of the most effective ways to reduce anxiety and overwhelm is to access the heart’s intelligence.
We’ve been trained to avoid difficult feelings. Emotional trauma is never fun to confront.
The heart’s intelligence — our emotional intelligence — encompasses and regulates some of the highest qualities we have as humans.
We’ll gently guide you in the practise of welcoming, observing and examining the origins of your deepest feelings.
Your heart both protects and projects a profound depth of traumatic experience, and in this one-of-a-kind module you’ll learn to use the truths of your past to clarify the path for your future.

The body is our physical home which connects us to the physical world. Body Wisdom is being familiar with what your body needs to be able to work at its optimal level.
Taking care of our selves
- We learn to tune in and listen to the messages of our bodies
- We trust the bodies wisdom
- We return to connecting to our body through dance and movement
- We take care and build compassion for ourselves.
This module is about accessing the memories of our body and taking steps to listen more deeply.

This module is an integration of the different parts of ourselves with an inner guidance meditation. By deepening our relationship with our inner guidance and enjoying a soulful meditation this module will allow you to create trust in the unfolding flow of your life path.
ONLY 25 students accepted, and we ONLY provide this experience once a year.
The course WILL fill up fast. Don’t risk missing this highly-transformative opportunity.
TUITION – 7 Live Zoom Sessions with Bhavi
COURSE – Access to 6 thoughtfully-developed course modules you’ll only find in The Roadmap Back To You
JOURNAL – A posted KANNAGARA Kick Start Journal
To support your 7-week Roadmap Back To You journey, you’ll get a physical copy of our KANNAGARA Journal with a personal letter from me.
This is a beautiful, lovingly created, and safe space designed to enhance your experience with us.
During the course we will be writing and reflecting. Journaling will be a tool to support your mental, physical and emotional journey.
This beautifully designed journal will be your home for the process.
ITS EVERYTHING YOU NEED to be your own coach. We would normally spend thousands and thousands on coaching, but really all of our answers are inside. We just need time to tap into our wisdom, our intuition and journaling is a direct access to this.
Each Transformative 80-Page Journal Includes…
- Habit Tracker
- Daily Reflection Areas with Soul Touching Quotes and Premium Inspirational Images
- 7 Weeks of Journaling Space to Fully Document Your Roadmap Back To YouTransformation
- And MORE
- Click APPLY NOW. You’ll then answer a few questions.
- Next, you’ll reserve your 15-minute session with me to welcome you to the program, we will work out if this is a good fit for you right now.
- Complete your registration.
Please confirm the dates and times listed before applying to the program. The first three calls are mandatory.
28th November, 5th December, 12th December 2021
9th January, 16th January, 23rd January, 30th January 2022
We do have a few spaces available on a sliding-scale.
If your current financial environment limits your ability to participate in The Roadmap Back to You, please don’t hesitate to inquire about assistance we may have available.
Simply email us your request: